IHM Used Parts
Quality Used Parts... Guaranteed!
IHM Used Parts is a family owned business specializing in Caterpillar parts among others including Bobcat, Case and John Deere. Equipped with southern hospitality, a streamlined business process, and exceptional customer service, IHM Used Parts has grown tremendously over the years and continues to improve and expand. Whether in the region or across the ocean, IHM Used Parts will deliver used parts to you.
Save 30-70% OFF Used
Caterpillar Parts
for Cat Dozers, excavators, graders, backhoes, and other Cat construction
IHM Used Parts is a reliable and experienced dealer in used
Caterpillar and other heavy equipment manufacturer parts. We
keep a large selection of dozer parts and even most final drives
in stock.

Save 30-70% OFF Used Caterpillar Parts
for Cat Dozers, excavators, graders, backhoes, and other Cat construction equipment.
IHM Used Parts is a reliable and experienced dealer in used Caterpillar and other heavy equipment manufacturer parts. We keep a large selection of dozer parts and even most final drive in stock.
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